Boss and Billing Menu - Company Manager V3 [ESX][QB]

BCS Company Manager

A 3-In-1 script UI that has Boss, Billing, & Duty menu. It enables user to see data easily and manage their company better. This script uses escrow system encryption. There are configurable files that you can configure to your liking. UI source code is available.


  • Boss menu
    • Home page that has information about the company
    • Manage employee, promote, demote, or fire
    • Hire new employee
    • The list can have the picture of the employees
    • Deposit and Withdraw company money or black money
  • Billing menu
    • Check your own billing with search feature
    • Company menu to manage your company sent bill, with info of earnings and unpaid bills
    • Create bill to nearest player with info displayed
  • Deadline feature, if the bill is overdue it will automatically be paid with bank or set to overdue status if the user does not have enough bank money (Can be disabled)
  • Configurable access for which company (job) can have access to bills and job grade to create bill
  • Configurable language
  • 0.00 ms (idle) 0.03 ms (on use)
  • Discord logs (Can be disabled individually)



Boss Menu

Billing Menu

Discord Log example


Optional Requirements


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My Other Works

BCS_company BCS_license

BCS_housing JobCenter1
BCS_hud image BCS_identity

BCS_license_test image


I would build it into the police job

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Sure? Haha well if you need any help just ask. Will gladly help

Configuration Preview, There is also another config for discord log in sv_config.lua

The design isn’t one of the most beautiful, but I like the system idea.

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Well you could redesign it to fit your liking :smile:. Source code for the UI is available!

Does this include all the job accounts and billing? Or are the normal esx_billing and esx_society or addon account a dependancy

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No other dependency needed, only mysql-async or oxmysql. It is meant to replace esx_billing, esx_society, and esx_addonaccount to reduce the resources that is needed to run.

is setjob2 taken into account or only setjob

Unfortunately it is only for setjob, since i am not familiar with second job / setjob2. May I ask how you want to implement setjob2 here? I maybe able to integrate it.

When promoting or demoting, does the script set the job role position automatically to a custom position we create, or do we have to do it manually?

Not sure by what you mean automatic but it is similar to esx_society boss menu. It will either set the job up to 1 grade or 1 below the current job grade.

Like can you customise the job grade names so that way whgen you promote or demote it gives them the correct name of the role

Well the job grade names can be up to what you want it should be configured in your database of job_grades. The grades just need to be in order starting from 0.

Possible to use only the boss menu and not the billing? :slight_smile:

yes you can ignore the billing if you want and still use esx_billing

Version 3
Now it is compatible to QBCore :partying_face:

I looked at the configuration and found that qb-target does not seem to be supported, right?

It does support qb-target, ox_target, and qtarget.

i have DRC unicorn v2 job , ant the boss menu working only with hired ppl , but the money , and time worked doesnt work