[ESX_ATM] + t-notify can't make it work

Hello FiveM! I’m currently in an issue where i wan’t to modify ShowNotification in esx_atm, also having the same issue in es_extended. But i hope if this is fixed, i can use it in the es_extended aswell!

The whole thing is working… problem is it types the symbols (I’m aware that they are in the locales file), but is there some kind of text-formatting documentation regarding these symbols? :slight_smile:

you have deposited ~g~s~s~DKK% 

like that… but in t-notify (as it should) Problem is, when i delete those symbols, it just doesn’t do anything… where do i find these symbols, and how can i get rid of them?

AddEventHandler('esx_atm:deposit', function(amount)
	local _source = source
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
	amount = tonumber(amount)

	if not tonumber(amount) then return end
	amount = ESX.Math.Round(amount)

	if amount == nil or amount <= 0 or amount > xPlayer.getMoney() then
		TriggerClientEvent('t-notify:client:Alert', xPlayer.source, {
			style = 'error',
			message = _U ('invalid_amount'),
			duration = 2000
		xPlayer.addAccountMoney('bank', amount)
		--xPlayer.showNotification(_U('deposit_money', amount))
		TriggerClientEvent('t-notify:client:Alert', xPlayer.source, {
			style = 'success',
			message = _U ('withdraw_money', amount),
			duration = 2000

Best regards, Diesel

Either you remove the “formatting” that you are talking about or you add it to t-notify yourself.
Cause I am quite sure it doesnt come out of the box with t-notify, so you dont really have alot
of choices sadly.
Best regards Zerio (// Attrixx, old username)

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Hello, you can find more about the symbols from here.
Could you also try changing the locale string to the string below, just to see if this could fix the issue you are having?

You have deposited DKK%s
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It seemed to work if i did what MasiBall wrote. Although it still required me to do the

you have withdrawn %sDKK

I don’t know if it’s because it’s a calling of currency, or what ever it is… but it works now with this one in the locales… :slight_smile: (for those who needs the answer)

I appreciate the help guys! Now it’s just the es_extended i need to work around :smiley:

you probably have to use html tags

I can’t seem to know how, because i’m pretty sure it’s formatting… and i can’t get around that, right now it works like a charm, it doesnt interfere with the html it’s self, aslong as you do it with %s and not only with % :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well yeah but WHAT are you even trying to do?

Interesting, anyways t-notify does support a form of color code parsing but I was unable to directly replicate the exact behavior without some internal rewrites I wasn’t too keen on.

Hehe thanks Taso, i did manage to get it to work, i had a head ache after this, so i might pick it up and play around with it in a couple of days, i’ll make an update if i see some changes :stuck_out_tongue:

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You know, those ugly +1, -1 bread etc, when you are using an item in esx, they pop up… or when you are farming an item, it can get quite annoying when it fills your screen in the right bottom corner… thats what i’m trying to make disappear :stuck_out_tongue:

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