[ESX] Advanced Owned Shops

Describe :

This resource let you to manage your Shops and players can buy them. In this script player can owned stores and manage their Shops. Player can change : shop name , buy item for their shops , forsale state to sell their shops and wallet to claim their money

TEBEX : [here]
showcase : [video]

Features :

Not IP lock
Players can buy a gas station as much as they likes
    Shop name
    their Shop wallet
    Buy item for their shop
    for sale state to buy/sell shops
    shop price ( They can sell their station as much as they like )
    edit blip name
    etc ...
players can see item and buy them in a special ui page
Every Shops have buymenu and managemenu, you can change the stations zone menu in config file
When player buy items a percentage of money will transfer to shop wallet

Other resource :

:star: Gang Laptop
:star: Advanced Gas Station owned
:star: Advanced Car Advertising


Great but very familiar with this one…

Well… maybe mention it’s for old esx limit system.

Do you have a weight version?

Also the Seller shop UI doens’t work and need to restart script or relogg for it to be removed from screen

oh i think it will about the exit button no porblem i will fixed the issue

I used the commented out sex menu instead and edited it. After a while it’s now working for my weight system :slight_smile:

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Can esx1.2 be used

Store offline