[ESX] Advanced ammo system [Paid Resource]

removed, s*it community :slight_smile:


24 USD for rewrite or equivalent for free disc-ammo? Joke


I did not know that script, but from what I see it does not look like anything :smiley:

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I see that here there are many people who talk about more without having any idea of ​​anything

Please send us a copy of your script to moderators group in DM so we can verify. Thank you

Sent :slight_smile:

Hey, stop hating!
This is a best script for weapons on FiveM :slight_smile:
Tevichuuuuuuuuu bigest

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Isn’t against rules obfuscate the code?

Hahahahahaha, obviously no.

intellectual property

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24 usd for a simple resource, nice nice

Even on Tebex, first few steps tells you otherwise.

Maybe it is against TOS to obfuscate code.

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Reduced price, so they stop complaining :slight_smile:

I will be happy to see people making income from their hard work, then yet another ymap

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Offtopic comments are deleted, it has nothing to do with the current release. If you are concerned about the forum becoming a store then you can discuss that in another topic. Thank you