Hello everyone!
I use the essentialmode by @Kanersps and this is very good realeases!
But like lot of peapole after search any possibility for have this fucking money gestion I have still not found solution!!
I have been activate the money gestion in sv_admin, test the command /setmoney [id] [playerid] , the player have been the message for money add and the money is been add in Data Base! But when the player see in game he dont have money?? Why please ???
January 30, 2017, 7:23pm
TriggerClientEvent(‘es:addedMoney’,source,money amount that is added)
TriggerClientEvent(‘es:activateMoney’,source,money amount after adding)
For example:
TriggerClientEvent(‘es:activateMoney’,source,playermoney + 50)
and the same goes for es:removedMoney
Uhmm, i’m not using ‘rp’, I think you meant: ‘es’
yes the rp dont work!? I add this trigger in main client right?
Still same /setmoney not work, still $0 money…
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January 31, 2017, 12:30am
i’m facing the same problem , any help would be appreciated
January 31, 2017, 12:36am
How did you get the money in top right?
You need activate in /essentialmode/client/main.lua …
But you have just the money add that not work realy!
@RIB i don’t know if you are still looking for the answer but you need to replace
local loaded = false
local loaded = true
After that you will get the money in the top right.
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Yes but this just one $0 on top right … the script still dont work!!! @Kanersps dont whant give solution…
@cedricalpatch no problem, then i will script it myself
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@Streetcorps Okgreat for you… For me I can’t make a script which works properly… If you could help me it would be really cool!
Relax… i am looking in to it. btw don’t expect that you always get what you want … they even made a song about it if i remember ^^
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Ok … Im relax no problem I wait