Have you tried updating to 1.0.3?
yes, that is the one im am using
same i have latest and still not working
Can I have a list of used resources and how your database looks?
awesome resource,
I have set addDefault = GetConvarInt(“es_stockmarket_addDefault”, 0), and still see a default stocks
I have assumed, I will see only custom stocks (2 of 5)
TriggerEvent(“es_stockmarket:addStock”, “GOO”, “Googol”, 150)
TriggerEvent(“es_stockmarket:addStock”, “FLC”, “Fleeca”, 130)
TriggerEvent(“es_stockmarket:addStock”, “BON”, “Bong”, 140)
TriggerEvent(“es_stockmarket:addStock”, “TES”, “Test”, 140)
TriggerEvent(“es_stockmarket:addStock”, “BIE”, “Bier”, 140)
or this should deactivate a whole default stocks set and I should have stock in other config file?
When you set the convar it should disable everything inside that if statement. You can also remove the lines yourself and add your own without touching any config
ok, thanks.
This is cool!
I got a problem that says
Warning: Resource es_stockmarket does not specify an fx_version
in fxmanifest.lua.
Couldn’t start resource es_stockmarket.
What to do???
No errors when loading, but when I launch /openstocks, it’s blank.
That’s odd, nothing on the client either?
And @DaddyDyrlund update your server files to the latest artifact
I downloaded the latest version of the mod?
I have tried configure a lot of things to make it work but nothing works
I meant latest server artifacts
Can you send a link? Im a bit lost at this point…
is there a way to limit the amount of stocks a company has available?
Already tryed but the problem is the same he cant fidne the user
Also, when you spam the Sell button with the value of “1” at a time you get more money.
For example:
Stock Price: $100
My Bank: $100,000
I Buy: 10 stocks
Spam Sell right after to sell them back
My Bank: $100,400
The stock price was the same.
I tried creating some type of a cooldown for pressing “Sell” but was unable to.
working on integrating this with a shop system on my server. Would be cool if you could add additional events such as
etc, can be used when sales go up or down, or if a store gets robbed
maybe even add a stock_owner colom so the shop owner can get revenue from their stock.
Thank you for the script!