Es_extended not adding jobs, job grades and everything else in HeidiSQL

Hello there,
I have a problem with setting up a database for my server. Im a complete newby so i cant figure it out by myself. So if im in HeidiSQL I run es_extended.sql and there should appear the tables: jobs job grades user accounts and user inventory. But if I run the sql file none of these tables appear. Theres only the user table, which appeared when I started mysql. Is there anyone who can help me? Would be nice.

Do you have essentialmode, mysql-async, esplugin_mysql?

Yes. They are all in my resources folder.

Did you install xamp in your computer?

Then make a table called essentialmode or your name choice. In the HeidiSql tables.

I already did that. But if i execute es_extended with the essentialmode database nothing shows up in the database?

Did you add this line in your cfg the middle on

You need to do step by step and you need to add the Sql one by one. It wont upload itself

That was missing thanks.

No worries. Glad you fix it

Hello, I still got the Problem, that if i run es_extended in my HeidiSQL Database the tables like jobs, job-grades, users, user_inventory and user_accounts wont show up.

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