Es_extended is ignoring config.lua

ESX is ignoring their own config.lua. Whatever i change in the config.lua it just gets ignored.
I would really appreciate any kind of help!

Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'

Config.Accounts = {
	bank = _U('account_bank'),
	black_money = _U('account_black_money'),
	money = _U('account_money')

Config.StartingAccountMoney = {bank = 50000}

Config.EnableSocietyPayouts = false -- pay from the society account that the player is employed at? Requirement: esx_society
Config.EnableHud            = false -- enable the default hud? Display current job and accounts (black, bank & cash)
Config.MaxWeight            = 10   -- the max inventory weight without backpack
Config.PaycheckInterval     = 7 * 60000 -- how often to recieve pay checks in milliseconds
Config.EnableDebug          = false

thats my config.lua im using ESX from GitHub - esx-community/es_extended: An FiveM RPG framework

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