Hi, my es_extended on my FX server is not showing the cash, only the black money and the bank money. this is my es_extended config:
Config = {}
Config.Locale = ‘en’
Config.Accounts = { ‘bank’, ‘black_money’ }
Config.AccountLabels = { bank = _U(‘bank’), black_money = _U(‘black_money’) }
Config.EnableSocietyPayouts = false – pay from the society account that the player is employed at? Requirement: esx_society
Config.ShowDotAbovePlayer = false
Config.DisableWantedLevel = true
Config.EnableHud = true – enable the default hud? Display current job and accounts (black, bank & cash)
Config.PaycheckInterval = 7 * 60000
Config.MaxPlayers = GetConvarInt(‘sv_maxclients’, 32) – set this value to 255 if you’re running OneSync
Config.EnableDebug = false!