Error "Summer Three Freddie"

Tonight after being forced to shut down our free-access server, because a person was spawning armed Peds despite the scripthook deactivation. I tried to reconnect and I had a crash with this strange message …

Is this normal?

Some of my users have had as message:

  • Error helium-sink-nine
  • Error stream-hydrogen-virginia

I just had this same exact crash

I just had this one :confused:

Somehow this is a random named errors compilation.
This is very annoying as many players on servers encounter those crashes.

There is no clue about precise actions or behaviour ingame than can lead to find what triggers this.

Client logs output only processes exit

Server logs output disconnections only.
One thing is, sometimes, packs of players disconnect at the same time.

What is the best way to detect what can cause this ?
I really think most of us still need a “Good Practices” guide and how to debug by outputing more verbose logs.

Any suggestion or feedback on how to enhanced this is welcome :wink:

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