Hi, friends and I are having issues with joining any server at the moment, all happened simultaneously and we’re not able to join any server. Thank you for any support or statement.
Yeah same issue. All at once… now all servers are showing zero out of etc.
Server log doesn’t even show people connecting.
same problem…
I think everyone is having this problem. Not quite sure why tho
Time to play the waiting game guys
Same issue. Glad I’m not alone. Although I’m not glad we’re having the issue to begin with… heh…
Hi guys a few of my clan closed steam and then logged on and it worked
Steam had problems all day with multiple games,
My Technical Support staff has been hard at work and has found a solution to this problem. Simply exit steam and start fivereborn!
Scratch the above.
FiveReborn made a statement, it’s Valve’s fault, not ours.
Guess we gotta wait!
Still waiting, the games launch if I exit Steam but I end up having to reroll my toons every time I log
[Window Title]
FiveM Error
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FiveM has encountered an error
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Crash signature: ros-patches-five.dll+407AE
Report ID: si-3d368b2dee314c0789ff62adbf056dd6 (use Ctrl+C to copy)
make your own topic and fill out the support template.
this topic is 2 years old.
first time open the fivem ant now i got the 403 eror… pfff
Then make your own topic and fill out the support template…