EMS Uniform Pack

Yaaay! Are they addon or replace?

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Most are replacements.

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thank you for sharing :heart:

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Are we able to edit the YTD Files on these or are they protected? I like the look of the uniforms but we are running a single Department of Public Safety so I want to change the patches on the sleeves.

Yes, thanks for reminding me to mention this. I do not mind if you edit this to better fit your servers needs, just DO NOT re-release any of the assets within the pack as your own work or re-release it at all… (I’ve got people on the lookout lol.)

Awesome thanks for the reply and no worries, I have no plans to do anything but set it up for our community.

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Can i change the colors of the uniform? can I write other job titles on the back too?

Hello !! THis is FiveM rady right?
Great Work!