Emergency Uniform Pack|Client/Server Sided|Easy Install|UPDATE 5.0 Announcement

I search and search I can’t find any EUP 8.2 what I actually need I wanted to ask you if you have an 8.2 eup download

Hey man with 5.1 will there be a client sided?

i cant and i need help

Where is the lua On EUP Stream


I had (and i stopped subscribtion, but i definitly HAD) the subscription.
The full resource not working on a fresh server, only with NativeUI, eup-stream and eup-ui.
No errors, just not loading the resource.

I can see that the words “not fixed” is mainly on this topic.

Is an update planned for 2022 ?


I need help i cant find dlc.rpf and my cloths look super werid

I was having the same issues as everyone else, looking like I fell into a drier at a laundromat and fell out wearing 3 people’s clothes, but it’s working now, so here’s the easiest way to explain installing EUP…and how I seemingly got it to work.

  1. Download NativeUI, and EUP 3.6(8.1)SUP.rar, and EUP-MENU-8.1-V1-MASTER.rar (these are the same files linked in the original post)
  2. Extract ONLY the NativeUI, eup-stream, and eup-ui directories from the compressed files.
  3. Copy those folders into the ./server-data/resources/ directory
  4. Ensure NativeUI, eup-stream, and eup-ui in server.cfg, :bangbang: in that order :bangbang:
  5. Enforce Game Build by adding set sv_enforceGameBuild 2060 to the bottom of server.cfg
  6. Delete Server Cache folder (./server-data/cache/)
  7. Start Server and Enter Game
  8. Press T while in game and enter /eup and test out some outfits…and try not to puke.
  9. Repeat Steps 5-8, replacing 2060 with the next game build listed below. (this is probably not necessary if it works at this point, but I did it, so maybe it is?) (plus who knows why this worked) (I don’t fucking know)

My logic was, I thought maybe the Contract DLC had broken the resource, because it wasn’t working with game build 2545 enforced the first time I started the server with EUP, so I started with Casino and worked my way to Contract, deleting my server cache folder (./server-data/cache/) each time, trying to see which DLC broke it, however, it seemed to “fix” it after the first attempt (2060). I worked my way down the builds to see which build would make it stop working, but it never stopped working.

I’m not sure why it worked or if it’ll work for you, but it seemed to work for me, so hopefully it works for someone else… :man_shrugging:

Game Builds:
Default: 1604
Casino: 2060
CayoPerico: 2189
Tuner: 2372
Contract: 2545

if you dont have a patreon key u need to change your player slots down to 10 or lower

I will use the 8.1 for my FiveM server but in the data isnt the menu to open the eup whan come the menu i need this

Ok I am having a strange issue I had everything working with the eup for fivem but when I tried to go to the eup-ui 8.0 and eup-stream 8.1 it gives the player strange uniforms. I tried clearing the cache but that did not help. Any ideas?

Use the 8.1 Menu, should be there

My mistake it is the 8.1 menu its just labeled as 8.0 in the original post. Still does not work. Going to try @jerkycub’s fix to see if it works on my server also. No going to an older build did not work either.

I compared the files from the download to the ones on the server and found that they did not match. I re-uploaded the files to the server and am going to try again now that the directories match and hopefully that fixes the issue. Update - Ok that was the issue. For some reason the initial FTP upload missed or corrupted some files.

Any way to edit the client side without crashing?

So what you are saying is that for my test server, if i don’t want to pay monthly, i can just lower my player slots to 10 or lower and I’m saving $15?

You should be able to yes. There have also been times where it’s 8 people however.

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i have a ? so does this work for fivem?

One question, How Can I install more things? Like the links that are mead for LSPDFR how can i install them

Is there any way to sort the menu? It its sorting randomly and I really need it to be sorted.

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Also, is there any way so that the male clothes is only visible to the male charactes and the same thing with the female clothes? There should be a way but I dont know how to do it.

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