[Free] Emergency Lighting Control | ELS Replacement | No repair glitch | 28+ lights

What is ELC?
Emergency Lighting Control is a new way to have nice lighting without the hassle for modelers, like non-els configs, and fix issues that ELS has like doors flickering, repairing, etc. It even allows up to 30 different lights on 1 vehicle. Christmas trees can be brighter, non can have even better-looking patterns.

Whats some of the benefits? Why switch?
Currently, the main reason I’m so excited for this is to fix the issues ELS has had in FiveM, things like repairing and issues surrounding it. If set up correctly with the model, you can even change the light colors on the fly.

Purchase Link

If youre a vehicle developer send me a PM!


Install Video

Old Development Videos

Below is some videos from development within the last week or so.

ELC Development Preview 001 | Beginning Stages - YouTube
ELC Development Preview 002 | Cruise Lighting! - YouTube
ELC Development Preview 003 | Traffic Advisor teasing! - YouTube


Nice :+1:

Is this strictly for ELS cars or does it work with both?

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Its a completely new type of vehicle. It should be fairly easy for people to convert their already ELS vehicles to ELC.


Non els sirens can be used on top of our new way of doing lights.


Are the controls just like ELS on storymode or are they just like ELS on FiveM?

This looks great! I hope it comes together.

Having said that, if it relies on vehicle modders to release new ELC vehicles and to convert old ELS vehicles, it’s likely that there would be a signficant transition period and some ELS vehicles that may be core vehicles on a server might never get updated.

For this reason, it would be ideal if this could be made compatible with or run alongside your old ELS mod. Maybe that’s not possible but it would ensure the quickest and widest acceptance, because again, for some servers heavily invested in certain lore/packs/units they would not transition (if ever) until sufficient replacement vehicles were released, no matter whether or not ELC is more advanced or efficient.


Storymode controls wont be possible as youd have to remap buttons to be there.

You are right, there would be a big transition period. As we get closer to release I hope to work with modelers to get vehicles ready for release that way this helps eliminate this period as much as possible. The only issue with it running along side already made ELS vehicles is that they weren’t designed in the way that is required for the script to have the fancy environmental lighting and the damageable aspect.

Though not tested, it should have no issues running along side the ELS script I have already released

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Ah ok gotcha i was wondering because the controls for ELS FiveM now are super confusing especially for controller players.

Like ELS has, there will be a config option to change all the controls…

I can’t wait to see the progress on this. I hope vehicles will be released alongside of this.

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Couldn’t you just use RegisterKeyMapping to parallel SP ELS’ keybinds?

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Actually did not know about this. Thanks!

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RegisterKeyMapping is bugged at the moment.

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this is sick sorry if someone already asked but what about desync? i used to have a lot of problems with els not syncing up on my server to the point we switched to non els cars

I’d like to say that there is none but truth be told I haven’t tested this. It should be very minimal as the server itself isn’t doing much for elc.

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download Link ?

I didn’t say this was released…