🛗 Elevator UI [Standalone] (3€ ESCROW or 7€ OPEN-SOURCE)

I’m not sure specifically if Ace perms are a GTA or FiveM function (I feel like it’s more FiveM but i don’t know tbh. I know I can set an ace perm on a player via steam or license natively or the way many of us do it is with a Discord ACE perm resource. We use one from Badger that gets a player’s discord roles and we have the script configured to look for certain roles. That script will give players Ace Principals based on if they have the matching Discord role and we can then assign those principals to specific Ace permissions.

For example, anyone in our Discord with the Staff Team role get assigned to the principal Staff.Group by Badger’s script. From there, we use add_ace Staff.Group "doorlock.staff" allow to give them access to a tool that lets them manage adding/removing locks on doors in the server as that script is looking to see if someone is Ace Allowed with doorlock.staff.

So basically, what I’m kinda looking for is the ability to have the elevators look for specific perms basically in place of doorlock.staff. Let’s say we use the example I used before of Elevator.DPS as the perm your script is looking for, I can then on our end outside of the elevator script do add_ace ncrp.DPS "Elevator.DPS" allow which would grant anyone with our DPS role in discord access to that Elevator.DPS perm.

There is a comment made by Faxes on a forum thread that covers this hopefully more clearly and he links to a post made by Vespura that details Aces and Principals more although Vespura’s post is much more about the side of this that we handle on our end as the server and not so much about the end script side but Faxes comment I’ll link here does give some examples Permissions on a command - #3 by FAXES

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