Edit Loops¿?

some user form this forum tell me, “to use one sync i need to edit loops <255” how i can make this change??

if u use 63 slots i prevent to do some changes in scripts?

You have to find this code inside your scripts and edit it, with this loops <255 the system is not looking to maximum 32 players. So 63 slots or not will not make a difference you have to edit this. Also you need to edit some other stuff, some script have also a max player 32 inside it.

amazing but can you tell me what code i need to edit in all resources? just a example

Yeah bump of this please we need help too. :slight_smile:


You need to search for resources that loop all players
E.g: instance, es_extended

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(‘sv_maxclients’, 32) you have to change to (‘sv_maxclients’, 64)

And search for code like this:

function GetPlayers() – function to get players
local players = {}

for i = 0, 31 do

And change the 0,31 to

for i = 0, 255 do

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thanks for your answer… in server side or in client side?

client/main.lua ?
I do not find

Any solution ?