Duplicate "user"

Hello, I have a problem and I can’t find the why.

when a user logs in he must create a character with identity.
but when that and complete this creates 2 row for each players in my mysql.

I would like to know what causes this bug?

a hypothesis :

[ script:mysql-async] [mysql-async] [INFO] [es_extended] Stored [0] : UPDATE users SET accounts = ?, job = ?, job_grade = ?, group = ?, position = ?, inventory = ?, loadout = ? WHERE identifier = ?
[ script:mysql-async] [mysql-async] [INFO] [es_extended] Stored [1] : INSERT INTO users SET accounts = ?, identifier = ?, group = ?
[ script:mysql-async] [mysql-async] [INFO] [es_extended] Stored [2] : SELECT accounts, job, job_grade, group, position, inventory, skin, loadout FROM users WHERE identifier = ?


Is it possible the system automatically creates a character, but then somewhere in the script is ordered to make a second one?


Don’t run essentialmode…

I think that at the first connection it takes the steamid and then when creating the character identity creates a second user …

I disabled essentialmod same problem

I have the same issue after updating es_extended.

maybe, have you tried setting back the es_extended? Maybe just wait it out?

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