Dumb ping change

i use to play on this server a lot but then one day they changed some settings to allow only 200 ping people in. i live in a place where its normal to always have 200+ ping. before it was 300. i dont know why they changed it but i hate that they did cause i cant play any more. the eu sever is worse with my ping being higher. i hope they will raise the limit again so i can play on here again. i live to just drive around with out being killed every second or getting kicked out cause of modders unlike in gta online. this was the server for me to play on when i could just drive around in game while i lishen to music and watch videos on the side as i play. they either need to make the ping limit higher again or make another server to allow me to play on here again. i have 431 hours on here and it could be so much higher but i cant now the ping limit is lower.

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