dpEmotes 1.7 (390+ emotes) Walkingstyles, Keybinding, Dances, Expressions and Shared Emotes

I’m not sure if this is gonna help with anything but it’s an example you can try.

if IsControlPressed(1, 21) and IsControlJustPressed(96, 97,98, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105)

Keys.NumPad0 = 96
Keys.NumPad1 = 97
Keys.NumPad2 = 98
Keys.NumPad3 = 99
Keys.NumPad4 = 100
Keys.NumPad5 = 101
Keys.NumPad6 = 102
Keys.NumPad7 = 103
Keys.NumPad8 = 104
Keys.NumPad9 = 105


First of all thanks a lot for this script, it’s very usefull.

Is there any way you can sort the animations per category ? like Work, Sit, Mood etc … ?

Thank you !


Thinking back i should have made the menu with category sorting in mind.
You can do that atm but it would require some work, and then those emotes wouldnt show up in the keybind emote section, or if they do they show up unsorted, just like the prop emotes do right now.

So currently no :confused:

Please make shared kissing emote :slight_smile:


nice working perfetly :slight_smile:

You can update heading for target.


AddEventHandler("SyncPlayEmote", function(emote, player)
    local ped = PlayerPedId()
    local heading = GetEntityHeading(GetPedInFront()) -- clean this
    SetEntityHeading(ped, heading - 180.1)
    -- wait a little to make sure animation shows up right on both clients after canceling any previous emote
    if DP.Shared[emote] ~= nil then
      if OnEmotePlay(DP.Shared[emote]) then end return
    elseif DP.Dances[emote] ~= nil then
      if OnEmotePlay(DP.Dances[emote]) then end return

AddEventHandler("SyncPlayEmoteSource", function(emote, player)
    Wait(300)    -- wait a little to make sure animation shows up right on both clients after canceling any previous emote
    if DP.Shared[emote] ~= nil then
      if OnEmotePlay(DP.Shared[emote]) then end return
    elseif DP.Dances[emote] ~= nil then
      if OnEmotePlay(DP.Dances[emote]) then end return

If you edit the codes in this way, the requestor’s face will return to the sender.

@Dullpear_dev Hey mate I just installed it and I just need to say that is an awesome work. Just wanted to advice too that you have a little mistake on the line 67 on EmotesMenu.lua where its written like this:

      shareddancemenu = _menuPool:AddSubMenu(sharemenu, Config.Languages[lang]['danceemotes'], "", "", Menuthing, Menuthing)

And should be like this for get the proper line of text about shared dance emotes:

      shareddancemenu = _menuPool:AddSubMenu(sharemenu, Config.Languages[lang]['sharedanceemotes'], "", "", Menuthing, Menuthing)

Still updating this for ever pls, just too good :blush:

PD: Also if you want the spanish languaje I can send it to you :slight_smile:

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Good catch!
And spanish language would be great! You can send it to me in dms/pullrequest on github or whatever way you prefer!

You could provide these


add these to prop emotes

   ["glowsticks"] = {"anim@amb@nightclub@lazlow@hi_railing@", "ambclub_13_mi_hi_sexualgriding_laz", "Glowsticks", AnimationOptions =
       Prop = 'ba_prop_battle_glowstick_01',
       PropBone = 28422,
       PropPlacement = {0.0700,0.1400,0.0,-80.0,20.0},
       SecondProp = 'ba_prop_battle_glowstick_01',
       SecondPropBone = 60309,
       SecondPropPlacement = {0.0700,0.0900,0.0,-120.0,-20.0},
       EmoteLoop = true,
       EmoteMoving = true,
   ["glowsticks2"] = {"anim@amb@nightclub@lazlow@hi_railing@", "ambclub_12_mi_hi_bootyshake_laz", "Glowsticks 2", AnimationOptions =
       Prop = 'ba_prop_battle_glowstick_01',
       PropBone = 28422,
       PropPlacement = {0.0700,0.1400,0.0,-80.0,20.0},
       SecondProp = 'ba_prop_battle_glowstick_01',
       SecondPropBone = 60309,
       SecondPropPlacement = {0.0700,0.0900,0.0,-120.0,-20.0},
       EmoteLoop = true,
   ["glowsticks3"] = {"anim@amb@nightclub@lazlow@hi_railing@", "ambclub_09_mi_hi_bellydancer_laz", "Glowsticks 3", AnimationOptions =
       Prop = 'ba_prop_battle_glowstick_01',
       PropBone = 28422,
       PropPlacement = {0.0700,0.1400,0.0,-80.0,20.0},
       SecondProp = 'ba_prop_battle_glowstick_01',
       SecondPropBone = 60309,
       SecondPropPlacement = {0.0700,0.0900,0.0,-120.0,-20.0},
       EmoteLoop = true,
   ["horse"] = {"anim@amb@nightclub@lazlow@hi_dancefloor@", "dancecrowd_li_15_handup_laz", "Horse", AnimationOptions =
       Prop = "ba_prop_battle_hobby_horse",
       PropBone = 28422,
       PropPlacement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0},
       EmoteLoop = true,
       EmoteMoving = true,
   ["horse2"] = {"anim@amb@nightclub@lazlow@hi_dancefloor@", "crowddance_hi_11_handup_laz", "Horse 2", AnimationOptions =
       Prop = "ba_prop_battle_hobby_horse",
       PropBone = 28422,
       PropPlacement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0},
       EmoteLoop = true,
   ["horse3"] = {"anim@amb@nightclub@lazlow@hi_dancefloor@", "dancecrowd_li_11_hu_shimmy_laz", "Horse 3", AnimationOptions =
       Prop = "ba_prop_battle_hobby_horse",
       PropBone = 28422,
       PropPlacement = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0},
       EmoteLoop = true,

Some of the emotes says “This emote is male only, sorry!” Why? Can I change that somewhere? Great job btw, love it. Well done.

@take2 those are fantastic! added to the next update!
@MidlifeGamingCrisis some of the “scenarios” are male only, im working on replacing them next update so that females can use all emotes :slight_smile:

is there a chance to make a function for more Keybinds ? It would be nice to use Numpad 1-9 for emotes.
and in the last version i found a bug. when you keybinding a emote, it will be delet after disconnect. sorry for bad english

@ChrisTV84 Im working on the feature of more keybinds right now.
It will work close to :

/emotebind (numpad4) (emotename).

then that stores in database by steam identifier. (can be easily changed for server owners, if they wanna store by character id instead for example.

And the bug you mentioned is actually just how the system works right now, its a very simple keybinding that only works for the session.

I’ll probably have this update ready sometime this week.


that sounds very cool. I’m looking forward to the next update =)

Uhhh this might be a bit of a random and weird question but are you planning on adding more synced emotes for example for some krhm erotic roleplay moments and stuff like that :thinking: :rofl:
EDIT: You sir are a god damn beast, this is by far my favorite release :black_heart:

Nice dude! Looking forward to it.

Hey mate @Dullpear_dev updated to the last version on my server, heres a mistake: AnimationList.lua line 1502 - 1503 (two times the same animation):

¡Have a nice day!

PD: Also getting one error when trying to instale the new version it says some .lua errors with the “SyncOffsetFront”

EDIT: This displays when trying to use the new version

Does anyone know the name of the “2 beer” animation ? i search for it a long time

1.6.5 is out
Added @take2 's emotes
and some cool particles stuff so this kinda stuff is possible:


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