Distance between coords is calculated wrong - help

I’m using this code

ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
coords = GetEntityCoords(ped)
distance = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, v.z, v.y, v.z, false)

I’ve having it print out the values so I know how far away the player is. This is what it is returning:

ped coords is      vector3(478.907, -1021.585, 27.61297)
marker location is vector3(473.36, -1023.25, 28.13)
calculated distance is 450.77917480469

The locations are correct. It is giving the wrong distance.
how it is calculating a distance of 450? What as I missing or what did I do wrong?

z, y, z?

Why not just use distance = #(coords.xy - v.xy)? No need for that slow (and error-prone if you type it by hand!) native function.

oops… that would be a problem… lol… thanks… Now it is showing me the right distance!