[Discussion] Give servers the options of which assets to preload during server loading

Hey guys, thicc necc here!

I’d like to make a post arguing my points as to why optional asset-prestreaming during loading is superior to (what I believe is) the current model:
(This will be focusing on the perspective of predownloadable maps)

  1. Lag that you see on your screen makes you lag to other players.
  • I’m sure you’ve played the original GTA ONLINE (hot garbage that it is…poor bastards) and realized that even when you’re lagging and you crash, or someone’s lagging and they crash you, the damage / effect of the crash still takes place (even if the session improperly captured the player). This effect happens (and enmasse) when any player that’s new is forced to download the map files LIVE while flying to, driving through, or boating to a map area.
    This does NOT align with the soul of exploration within GTA V…or 4…like the last 3 games for that matter - Can you imagine the backlash if players got heavy lag everytime they needed to go to a ‘new’ area? It’d be rediculous
  1. Experience.
  • I know, I know, no one likes longer load times, HOWEVER, if you gave me, or (many other players I’m sure) the choice between consistent gameplay and shorter loading times, I’d pick the consistent gameplay. Sure the loadtime is about the same, but the benefit of dynamically predownloading streamed assets is that when the LOADING is done, the LOADING IS DONE. Way better experience overall!
  1. Effective load reduction strategies
  • With dynamic loading, server owners would be able to employ strategies to effectively reduce lag across their map by selecting which resources cause the heavies performance impacts. This way, rather than streaming a nice quality map AS WELL AS 2 custom cars, they only have to load 2 custom cars…or 1 custom car or none if they pre-streamed them.

Something like this is an important feature to the evolution of fivem. Streaming is awesome, but pre-streaming? That’s…well that’s just bodacious!

Duplicate of the user bumping another similar topic (where it seems they’re asking for a feature to… work around a bug?!):