DiscordChatRoles [Release]

Yes it does.

can you update this resource so it can use Discordroles insted off discord_perms?

Probably not considering there really is no difference

i got this problem any one?

This has nothing to do with my script. This is the fault of the user.


No longer a Requirement

New Requirement

@OfficialBadger When I load into the server it doesn’t load my chat only says Civ when I try to change it, it says “say something in chat first” and I have this and Discord_API installed can you help me please

couldn’t do a pr but in config
line 135 [“airplane:”] think it’s missing

Line 118 also?

What are you talking about?

This usually happens because your Discord is not detected. The script is functioning properly as intended.

@OfficialBadger This is what it says

[discordroles] successfully validated bot token.

• Current account: Thin Blue Line Network#8167 (738498865887576164)

[discordroles] discordroles is up to date.

it knows the Discord then says I don’t have permissions

Did you even read documentation? I refuse to help people who cannot follow instructions. Where does it ever say this script uses discordroles?..

I have Watched the new Video Posted by Jordan and seen that I did mess up the roles I have seen the Documentation but Didn’t follow it right I was doing it like discord_perms

Thanks for the help.

New Installation Tutorial [DiscordChatRoles]

Thank you to @Jordan2139

Little Help

Not sure if you ever got a reply but for me it got caused due to using a separate chat script with it so try Commenting it out

It would help if you read…

Well, I watched the tutorial and nothing seemed off so I am not sure what I messed up because I have never used discord to server stuff before so I am a little confused if you wouldn’t mind telling it would be nice but if you don’t want to its all good.

My /cc doesnt work or im doing something wrong idk any halp? thx

add_ace identifier.steam:id group.donator