DiscordChatRoles [Release]

For some reason it shows this 2 times like this - image what is the cause of this and how would I disable it?

You have another resource causing this problem

Hey, I am having trouble with IlusiveTea’s script, and he’s closed his page down for replies, anyway can you help me install it to my server? @OfficialBadger

Make sure you watch the videos for full setup!

it should Checks for role updates every player respawn or something like that

This script is discontinued until a workaround is found for: [Action Required] Discord identifier token likely no longer available

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It’s sad that Discords got to be C**ts about it! You did a Great Job on the Scripts! #FCKYOUDiscord
#GoingBackToTeamspeak3 #Teamspeak5

Can we adapt this to ace discord groups?

I can confirm this is working with the recent patch fivem deployed! Thanks Badger.

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So the documentation of this resource has been moved over to https://docs.badger.store

Config error

SCRIPT ERROR: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:924: No such export GetRoles in resource discord_perms

Thats the error im getting

Configuration error. Fix your errors.

Did you set up the roleList? That configuration does not need the Roles list filled up at all…

You can now set up having block messages for chat messages instead of the plain old boring ones!

Find more information over at https://docs.badger.store/fivem-discord-scripts/discordchatroles (Documentation has moved over there)

Ahh so neat! :slight_smile:

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I updated the discord chat roles script to V7 and the block messages work but it also send a normal message below it. please help me.

You have another script interfering

not that I know of, what do you think it could be?

it doesnt work help!