DiscordAcePerms [Release]

Any way to add a command (for example /sync) so when players type that command they automatically receive the group/perms without having to relog?

It needs to give the permissions on playerConnecting otherwise they will not get vMenu permissions or other scripts’ permissions either. (in my experience, only vMenu permissions though)

No I am talking about for example when you get a role in the discord server instead having to relog to receive those perms you can type a command (/sync) to receive the perms instantly instead of having to relog.

As I said, not possible.

is there anyway you could show a video on how to set up the files in the server.cfg file

could someone help me fix this SCRIPT ERROR: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:924: No such export GetRoles in resource discord_perms

nvm I got it

@Bowdac how did you figure it out?

Hey there, this is an absolutely awesome script and I’ve been using it for some time. However, I need to take it to the next level like many servers have done. I am looking to make it so players can just relog, instead of having to wait for a server restart to get updated permissions. If someone could send me in the right direction on how to complete this, I would be very appreciative. Thanks.

If you have your perms in its own permissions.cfg file, then in console you could type “exec permissions.cfg” and it should restart the permissions, I have not tried it myself though.

amazing resource, must need for server owners !!

Normal players that are not in the discord are not able to join the server. What am I doing wrong? Got everything else working.

Does this work with vmenu?

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Hey official badger I keep getting a discord ace perms: connection deferred error. Could you please tell me what could be causing this?

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Same issue running the script on an esx server, can’t connect to server getting the same error.

how to i fix this,
when i try to join my server it says “DiscordAcePerms: Deferring connection…”
any fix?


Hey I have watched both of your tutorials and setup both scripts the same as you did in the video but discord_perms and discord ace perms will not work and the console says script error No such export GetRoles in resource discord_perms @OfficialBadger any Idea on what the problem is?

You have done something wrong

Any easy and commmon mistakes that could cause that issue?

When loading into the server the permissions is being given to me. I have steam open, and discord however the principals that I have under “list_principals” and shown below. There isn’t a identifier with only “indentifier.steam: < - group.[groupName]” image