DiscordAcePerms [Release]

Make sure you watch the following 2 videos for full setup of the script

Can you teach me this script
LMAO I cant dev

Watch the videos?..


What’s the fix to users getting Admin privileges even though their ranks technically shouldn’t be getting it? It’s been very rare but I have had two people get those perms (that I know of).

@OfficialBadger Yo i think something is broken about the script because i have gone over it 4 times and something is still wrong. Ive redownloaded it 3 times and it’s still broken. The issue is that it works for some things but not all of them I don’t know what it is.

This script is discontinued until a workaround is found for: [Action Required] Discord identifier token likely no longer available

Update your server binaries and you should have discord identifiers working again! This script will once again functionally work and operate as normally expected! :slight_smile:


Added TehZombiJesus to role group group.user with discordRole ID: 598822728195112969
Access denied for command add_principal.

Added TehZombiJesus to role group group.admin with discordRole ID: 598823467768610816
Access denied for command add_principal.

Added TehZombiJesus to role group group.superadmin with discordRole ID: 660261889984692235
Access denied for command add_principal.


roleList = {
{598822728195112969, "group.user"},
{598823225140576257, "group.moderator"},
{598823467768610816, "group.admin"},
{660261889984692235, "group.superadmin"},


# Add system admins
add_principal group.superadmin group.admin
add_principal group.admin group.moderator
add_principal group.moderator group.user

In the future, it’ll help reading things.

Name your resource DiscordAcePerms

then read and follow instructions

I’m actually not suprised that I missed that xD… thank you tho

Hey, I have just install your script into my server (Works awesome), but i was wondering if it’s possible for it to remove perms when i take away someones rank in the discord server without restarting the whole fivem server?

There is no remove_principal to remove people from groups as far as I am aware, so sadly not.

Is there a way, to use this script to promote persons on rp servers? Like a person gets promoted to Officer II he get the role on discord and automatically get the job ingame?

Due to FiveM bugs, I have to make it only happen on restarts otherwise the risk of people getting admin permissions comes along.

I think that’s not even a problem. On rp you could say, you have to wait until the next month to get a promotion

What? Confused.

Nvm :smiley:

Can you convert your resource to use the new DIscordDB resource instead of illusive_tea’s discord_perms resource? The new DiscordDB resource is a lot more stable than the old one.

If someone wants to they, can. I won’t be doing that sadly.