DiscordAcePerms [Release]

Don’t worry i got it to work!

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Worked for a bit, doesn’t work at all anymore. I join and it does not give me any roles at all anymore.
discord_perms properly sets the server and all, but when I join I do not receive any roles despite being admin.
I followed all instructions, the roleList is formatted properly. I start both discord_perms and DiscordAcePerms, discord_perms being started before DiscordAcePerms.

You may be getting rate limited

Any way to check this?

This is my 5th time trying to post this, but im getting this error:

This is the server.lua of DiscordAcePerms:

And the config.lua of discord_perms:

This usually implies that the discord application is not being detected

It doesn’t give anyone their roles at all despite a ton of people on my server having Discord open. Is there something I need to change in server.cfg? Maybe this?:

#sv_authMaxVariance 1
#sv_authMinTrust 5

Have you set up the actual groups with vMenu too?

Also, line 65 is different than what your error describes on my GitHub. I would download my resource again and config it. You have an older version I believe.

I’ll try that

I updated and set the role ID’s, but nothing happens still. No errors this time. When I connect to the server it shows my identifiers but none of them are discord; I’m not sure if it’s supposed to show that as an identifier when I connect.
EDIT: Nevermind, got it working, had to enable discord overlay.

Hello, i tried using your script, but its not working has i wanted (i might have done something wrong, or misread what the script does).

So the script sees what Role i own on discord and it gives me that role ingame? I have a VRP base so if i add groups in vrp/cfg/groups.lua (example “Police”) if i have that group on discord will it give me the same role ingame when i join the server?

In my console it is setting all of my roles and finding my guild ect. When I go in game my vMenu permissions still do not want to work. I am having no errors though saying that the permissions.cfg isn’t being executed. Any Ideas?

You should try adding a permission to a group in the server.cfg to see if the permissions just are not being added from the permissions.cfg

That unfortunately did not work, any other recommendations?

Need help i am getting these errors https://gyazo.com/fc3c985bde64597c0bb254efbec52624

hi so im tryna setup perms for vMenu with this. my mates have done it on their servers just fine but for some reason it aint wokring for me…

i keep getting this error

please help

i have no idea why it is saying access denied for command add_principal

Following instructions will help

It works but for some reason, sometimes players doesn’t get their groups when they are in the discord and join the server, I have to restart my server to fix it, Do you know how to fix this? and I’m getting this error sometimes, Idk if it has anything to do with players sometimes not getting their perms, http://prntscr.com/qjse5i