[Discontinued] Simple Banking 2.0 - Now with GUI

The UI is coming along…

Thanks to @jdc4992 for the initial designs.


I put the “banking” folder in my resource. What prerequisite do you speak?

Woaw look great, this update comming soon ? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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Not today, tomorrow maybe.


Yes it is this one what I use.

Woaw so fast ? You are insane man x)
Maybe for feature, to be able to buy in the vehicle shop with the account money ?
And so a cop can put a fine on civilians and its the money from their bank account and not the money on him but its can also go in negative because its for the player don’t say ‘I don"t have money …’

(Sorry it com from google trad Kappa) x)

Well from your script, we have to modify all script for have the choice to buy with the money on the player and the on the account bank

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It looks perfect ; )

That’s not within the scope of this script. If other players want to create a script that uses Simple Banking then feel free. However, cop functions, vehicle shops, general stores, tickets, etc., are not going to part of this. I will be releasing more scripts (My next one is for player housing) and all the scripts I release will be compatible with Simple Banking, but these things take time unfortunately. :slight_smile:


Yeah sure you right !

Good jobs guy :+1: :+1:

The UI looks very nice


OMG ! Better than i was expecting… Dude GB Joel, would you mary me ? :smiley: :smiley: Insane work man. Congrats, really.

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This looks amazing!

I haven’t installed it yet but looking at the code there are server events involving es_freeroam, even though the installation notes mention only needing to install EssentialMode. Is this script meant to stand alone or optionally work with es_freeroam?

Since you say your next project is player housing and that is something on the agenda of the es_freeroam project, I am also curious how much integration there will be and if you are working with that team. It would be fantastic if this all works together in the future within a larger, integrated money and jobs system. Either way, well done and thanks!

Hi @Loque, this script works fine without es_freeroam. All critical messages (‘You can only deposit at a bank’, ‘This is not a bank or atm’) are triggered as chat messages rather than es_freeroam notifications. :slight_smile:

Awesome! Not to be a pest but does it work with es_freeroam as well?

It would be great to see developers working in unison when doing similar things.

Works great with es_freeroam too, I use es_freeroam myself.

As for your question earlier about the es_freeroam development, I am not currently involved and have never even spoken to anybody involved. My scripts will work together, being built upon this economy system. I’ll try to make them as open and disconnected as possible but ultimately I am making these scripts for my own server, while also releasing them for people to use and build on when I am happy with the features.


Hello on how the menu of the bank

Not quite sure what you mean, but if you are asking how to activate the bank menu, it is not yet released. I am working on it now.

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To OK as I saw your photo of the menu I think it was out