Okay I have the mod installed on my fivem. I type in /tornado summon. I get back, tornado has spawned ahead. But I do not get a tornado. Whats the word on the update? We are all still waiting.
Sorry my PSU Exploded (Sparks flew out the back bad coil) so I ordered an EVGA PSU but I had to save up alot of my money, but now I’ve got it and then I realized it Killed my SSD’s so i had to get new ones therefore I lost %100 of the stuff on my SSD so I lost all of the code I had and so now I am redoing it so expect V3 probably by Q3 of 2021
NOTE: This date is an estimated ETA it may lower or raise depending on my life situations like right now I have family issues going on (Mother being hospitalized, etc)
NOTE 2: I am accepting Contributors! feel free to pitch in even if it’s a small code update - this Contributions will go on V2 and then I will look at the code and see about transferring it to the V3 update if it’s better.
Current Expectations for V3
- Explosions and blackouts
- EAS Alerts
- Possibly: News broadcasts (with the ability to add them they will be video files)
And much more
always keep a backup, you sure it didnt fry the sata port? SSD’s usually dont die that easy.
Hope to see it soon.
Added Siren, The way i was told to do it was not working it was looping until you delete the Tornado.
Took the Interactive Sound script and made it just for the Tornado resource.
This was all put together from the post in this forum. Few of my own tweaks as well
SoundFX Folder Credits: Interactive Sound v0.2.1
AddEventHandler("tornado:spawn", function(pos, dest)
IsTornadoActive = true
TriggerEvent('TORNADO_CL:Sound:PlayOnAll', 'siren', 1.0) -- if tornado is active then play tornado siren.
pos = vec3(x,y,z)
dest = vec3(x,y,z)
Tornado = Script._factory:CreateVortex(pos)
Tornado._position = pos
Tornado._destination = dest
Since it was spawning on top of everyone PlayerPedID() was just blank, so it took it as everyone spawned it? Instead of the source spawning it. This is the closest its ever been, it now spawns once and my other connected client could see it for a little bit. Need more testers! Seems alot closer.
Update: Sync still not working when far away, Spawning in sandy will have someone in paleto having one as well still… its random sometimes it does sometimes it dont.
x,y,z = table.unpack(GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(PlayerPedId(source), 1.0, 8.0, 1.0))
heading = GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(source)+90, 1, 0)
local Script = MainScript:new()
IsTornadoActive = false
local Tornado = nil
Test 4:
-Moved main notifications from server.lua to work in client.lua
TORNADO v2.1.2 Sync Test 4.zip (630.6 KB)
very neat
@Kypo i just updated my testing resource to test 4*, ive done all i know to do to get it synced and it wont, try my edited one it works out the box
The menu perms are setup right but the menu wont open and it says insufficient perms in the chat when i try using the chat command, /tm
it is not spawning for me
try the one 4 post up…
the menu got removed in the newer version
Yeah that’s the one I have I typed /tornado summon and the siren rings and the it says tornado touches ground but the tornado is no where to be seen.
Hmmm it is using particles is it a graphic setting? Thats odd
Nice work! Hopefully I’ll be back soon I was planning on redoing the whole script but this is progress I’ll take this and make it work Your credits will be added to the actual post soon.
It works right when it wants too. Maybe you can figure out the sync issue
I’ll look into it
seeing it in the same exact place? or just spawnin on each player and doing its own thing
seeing it in the exact same place. however I did notice once spawned you have to restart the script if you want to spawn another one after you do /tornado delete so that’s something i’m going to look into
Hello, really cool script, really, really cool. Is there a chance to let the tornado fly through the city longer and let the sirens run longer?
Tried using it, I have not seen the tornado anywhere, and my settings are at Very High.
LMAO this script is sick