DisableControlAction while Cuffed not Working

I am using a Police script where we can Cuff/Uncuff people, everything is working good, but the Controls aren’t disabled when the player is cuffed.

He can still Punch/shoot weapons and sometimes even crouch…

Here is the code…

    while true do 
        if isEscorted then
            EnableControlAction(0, 1, true)
	    EnableControlAction(0, 2, true)
            EnableControlAction(0, Keys['T'], true)
            EnableControlAction(0, Keys['E'], true)
            EnableControlAction(0, Keys['ESC'], true)
        if isHandcuffed then
            DisableControlAction(0, 24, true) -- Attack
			DisableControlAction(0, 257, true) -- Attack 2
			DisableControlAction(0, 25, true) -- Aim
			DisableControlAction(0, 263, true) -- Melee Attack 1

			DisableControlAction(0, Keys['R'], true) -- Reload
			DisableControlAction(0, Keys['SPACE'], true) -- Jump
			DisableControlAction(0, Keys['Q'], true) -- Cover
			DisableControlAction(0, Keys['TAB'], true) -- Select Weapon
			DisableControlAction(0, Keys['F'], true) -- Also 'enter'?

			DisableControlAction(0, Keys['F1'], true) -- Disable phone
			DisableControlAction(0, Keys['F2'], true) -- Inventory
			DisableControlAction(0, Keys['F3'], true) -- Animations
			DisableControlAction(0, Keys['F6'], true) -- Job

			DisableControlAction(0, Keys['C'], true) -- Disable looking behind
			DisableControlAction(0, Keys['X'], true) -- Disable clearing animation
			DisableControlAction(2, Keys['P'], true) -- Disable pause screen

			DisableControlAction(0, 59, true) -- Disable steering in vehicle
			DisableControlAction(0, 71, true) -- Disable driving forward in vehicle
			DisableControlAction(0, 72, true) -- Disable reversing in vehicle

			DisableControlAction(2, Keys['LEFTCTRL'], true) -- Disable going stealth

			DisableControlAction(0, 264, true) -- Disable melee
			DisableControlAction(0, 257, true) -- Disable melee
			DisableControlAction(0, 140, true) -- Disable melee
			DisableControlAction(0, 141, true) -- Disable melee
			DisableControlAction(0, 142, true) -- Disable melee
			DisableControlAction(0, 143, true) -- Disable melee
			DisableControlAction(0, 75, true)  -- Disable exit vehicle
			DisableControlAction(27, 75, true) -- Disable exit vehicle

            if (not IsEntityPlayingAnim(GetPlayerPed(-1), "mp_arresting", "idle", 3) and not IsEntityPlayingAnim(GetPlayerPed(-1), "mp_arrest_paired", "crook_p2_back_right", 3)) and not QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerData().metadata["isdead"] then
                TaskPlayAnim(GetPlayerPed(-1), "mp_arresting", "idle", 8.0, -8, -1, cuffType, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        if not isHandcuffed and not isEscorted then

I had tried printing isCuffed and it returns true when the player is cuffed. His hands are also tied up behind… But the controls aren’t getting disabled…

Any ideas where I should be looking?

I believe SetEnableHandcuffs native will prevent the player from attacking. However I don’t see any problems with your script.

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Do some testing, print(isHandcuffed) to find out if the variable is even being set to true when cuffed. Make sure to check for capitals. The Wait(2000) is kind of unnecessary too.

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