Disable blips and names server side

You ever find this link?

I cant find it, ive been searching for it.

I have them downloaded if you guys want I can send it to you somehow?

I would indeed like 'em :slight_smile:

Here is the script, there are some edits he said to make before use, i have done that for you already, so all you need to do it place it in a lua titled playermarkerblocker and boom, also in the __resource.lua, this will go in there:

client_script ‘playermarkerblocker’.lua

I take no credit for this script. Script is below, copy into an lua.

while true do
for i=0,99 do
for i=0,32 do
if(NetworkIsPlayerActive(i) and GetPlayerPed(i)) then
local ped = GetPlayerPed(i)
local Blip = GetBlipFromEntity(ped)
if DoesBlipExist(Blip) then

This script is to hide player blips and names right? - cuz if it is it does not work

yes this is the script i have in and it works in my server

For me it only hides player names

Same… Wish it would remove the blips too. It only does it for like 1 person

It removes blips and names for me

Yeah it does not remove player blips on the map in the bottom right corner but does remove player names.

Going to be fully testing this as soon as i can get another person to join my server. Will be a few hours :slight_smile:

I modified it a little to remove the blips instead of making them invisible so that the names to not show up in pause menu.

to do the same just replace setblipscale with RemoveBlip(Blip)

How did that work for you?

well this mod still dosnt remove player blips on the map in the bottom left corner but does work on names, i tried a couple things but nothing seems to work to remove the players blips on the map.

yea it stopped working for me, it jsut removes names now. :frowning:

any solution as to how we can disable the map?

Havent found anything, and im terrible with writing code.

Disable clientside scripthook and use a serverside trainer.

server side trainer? i didnt even know there was server side trainers, do you have link for one?