Welcome to DevourRP - A city that makes your dreams come to life.
Devour is a growing FiveM community that aims to provide the highest quality roleplay to our community. We are constantly working on growing and improving our server, standards and the content we provide to our community. We love to interact with our community and host community events throughout the week. These can range from structured event or a fun, interesting organized RP.
✦ Over 60+ Custom Vehicles!
✦ Custom Scripts, Cars, Weapons & Peds
✦ Experienced & Organized Departments
✦ Professional & Knowledgeable Staff Team
Non Whitelisted Jobs
Garbage - Drive around Los Santos city and collect garbage.
Fishing - Collect fish and sell them.
Tow Truck - Find broken vehicles and bring them to the impound lot.
Store Deliveries - Deliver goods to multiple locations.
Taxi - Drive people/NPCS around and make some quick cash.
Hunting - Hunt animals and sell them for money
Whitelisted Jobs
LSPD, BCSO, STATE, SASPR - Join the police force to uphold the law, safeguard citizens, and ensure lawbreakers are held accountable.
EMS - Become an emergency medical technician and save lives in the challenging streets of the city.
Judge - Become a judge and put criminals away.
Lawyer - Become a lawyer and help innocent people from going to prison.
DOJ - Work for the government agency.
Illegal Jobs
House Robberies - Rob houses to collect items.
Oxy Runs - Collect Oxy and sell it among players for money.
Chop - Chop vehicles for valuables and sell them.
Robberies - Rob banks, stores, jewelry store and more.
Gangs - Create your own gang and maximize your profit.
Street Racing - Street race with other people and make some money.
Crafting - Collect resources and craft them into an item.
IRL Vehicles - Vehicles based off of real life vehicles.
Multicharacter - When you get bored with one character, create a new one.
Casino - Gamble your life savings away.
Businesses - Player owned businesses.
Server Sided Visuals - We have our own server sided visuals.
Optimized Server - Our server has been severally optimized to help you get the maximum FPS
➝ Server Trailer: https://youtu.be/4-_0Q3naCak?si=j1XAxYKposFeAZ4W
➝ Discord: DevourRP
➝ TikTok: TikTok - Make Your Day
➝ YouTube: https://youtube.com/@DevourRP