Devine Loadingscreen | 100% Free

your the best man pls dont write because you dont have any clue :smiley:

there was never a fix before you see my screen above that people before this get our loadingscreen for free with 0.00 but hey you know everything i know :slight_smile:

:smiley: :smiley:

I wouldn’t be typing If it was working without problems lmao so there was a clue and it managed to “fix itself”, now have fun with your loading screen because I’m getting a different one.

np but thank you for downloading our loadingscreen :slight_smile: i mean you take the step to do this all and we appreciate that :slight_smile:

@Taqqz maybe instead of putting it on tebex you just put a direct download like the Release Rules say

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No function of the script is working only design.

which functions arent working?

loading bar - team online offline label and Everything is fixed in the design, when I delete a code the whole design is broken

And why do you need to encrypt a script that you share for free, maybe there is a malicious code, we don’t know.

you are the first person with such “errors” we can give you support. And I mean when you delete a important code in our script its
self-explanatory that the design gets broken :smiley: – We would never use any malicious code or something like that I mean everyone could paste a malicious code even if the script is paid or not… We dont want to share that on github because in the german fivem community its very common to steal works and tried to get money of our work. Its for us only a secure.

Okay thanks. How do online offline tags in team list work? Discord status, steam status or any other account status?

Will be Add on The Update that come out Shortly