Me and two of my friends recently started a DOJ style roleplay server. It’s gonna be based in Sandy Shores, and will be spread out from there. We have a fully developed Discord, and we are currently working on getting all of the parameters set up. Applications, CAD, stuff like that. We have also bought a server via ZapHost. All of us have previous experience as LEO’s (RP), so we know what we’re doing in that aspect. The only part we are struggling with is server development. Adding cars, textures, peds, weapons, streaming those to are server, LUA issues, etc. That’s what we need help with. If there’s anyone out there who would be willing to help us, we would greatly appreciate it. We need someone who is experienced in server development, and is available to help us build our server. If they could also teach us how to maintain it, and remain closeby in case something goes wrong, that would also be great. If said someone is willing, we would also be willing to offer a permanent spot on our staff so the person could handle this part for us indefinitely. Thanks so much.