[DEPRECATED] [PAID] [ESX] M12 - Garage

still has dupe glitch you can buy car out of garage even when vehicle still in city / near. Also would be perfect if the blips would stack instead of 20 different named blips. The rest is perfect!

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Not entirely sure what this means however, even when i click on get vehicle out or park vehicle, nothing seems to happen. Any idea what this could be?

Getting an issue where is says ‘This vehicle doesn’t belong to you’ when trying to put it away. Why is this?

In config you should switch the option called save bug

Is it possible with another vehicleshop in the future?
i don’t like the default one

hello sir… im your buyer… can u fix plates number more than 9 digits

Just add more size to sql plate element in the varchar

cannot sir… u need to change in server.lua.


plate = plate:gsub(“^%s(.-)%s$”, “%1”)

plate = plate:match(“^%s*(.-)%s*$”)

your script ecrypt and cannot edit

Not using gsub or match in my script for this xD

i cant keep plate more than 8 digit

Hey, i would like to ask what that esx_menu_default is? is it your edit? is it on sale? i realllllly like the desing and “animations” on it. :slight_smile:

Just the one which came with legacy, change some colors to black with transparency, remove borders, add an HR and change font family

Hello, can you add decryption, so that the control of the vehicle can be by button the same as giving keys? I would like you to add it in config.lua or else you can edit that part of the code, very good script, congratulations!


Hey could you show how to add more garages because we wanted to but the blip doesnt appear and the newly placed garage isnt there

hello i still have a problem i bought it today and it shows me this vehicle it’s not yours

savebug = true,

i found this probelm

savebug must to false

you can get the vehicles twice from the garage

would have to be fixed

If you have parked the car and then parked it again, you have the 2x standing


how to install garage

in assets i am sent version from 03.12.22

keep getting this error when trying to lock the car SCRIPT ERROR: ?:-1: attempt to compare nil with number

doesn’t tell me where, how can we fix this? I paid for a product that doesnt work. Yes i am using legacy

Instead of saying that the script doesnt work try to get support for the problem. And Youtube comments isn’t the right place. Send me private message and I will be able to solve your problem as I did with the rest of customers.