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Hello everyone!
Me and some of my friends have been working on developing a server for the past month. Our main goal is to have a small community that is serious about RP We are a whitelisted server with lots of custom scripts. Not everything is custom since we do not have the man power for that but we plan on taking feedback and improving what we can as we go.

We are launching for beta today! And would love to see anyone come by who is interested.
To get whitelisted apply here and join our dsicord!

One of our main focuses is going to be in government. We want everyone to have the right to a trial, voted in positions and passed legislation. No more cop dictatorships!

We have a fully custom drug system and a fully custom heist system. We also are aiming for all jobs to be custom before too long.

We also have a very nice slot based inventory system that is actually intuitive to use. Unlike some others…

We use Teamspeak3 for in game communications. This means hearing distance is unique per player and audio quality is very high.

We also have a cute mascot.