
Wow, nice release brother, good idea.

Have you tried using something like artyom.js?

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What the hell does this actually do? Like dop3t said, this is pretty poorly explained.

You can use speech recognition to do all action you need check the post above and see the youtube video. Quick example : if you want to do the animation Eat you just speak on your mic and say :

<<I want to eat>>

then the animation start automatically. You can customize what you want with it and all languages are available.
I have add more explanations above.

Wow! Awesome! Great work!!

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Is it IP locked or encryped?

can it be made so it opens up other scripts like vMenu or vStancer

Yes, of course you can do any action with voice recognition

And is it IP locked or encrypted?

No client side not encrypted

what do you mean client not encypted?
every part of script should not be encrypted

All of the code must be not obfuscated

Flag with a copy of how you ship it to your customers when done