deerAdrev - Simple death handle

A quick, simple script to handle death and respawning/reviving for your RP server

Download: Tebex (FREE) OR Github


  • Fully Customizable messages
  • Allow people to revive/respawn after a set amount of seconds
  • Revive or respawn everyone in the server.
  • Commands allowlisted to either Ace Permissions, ESX.Jobs, DiscordID, or SteamID
  • Discord Webhooking



config = {

    ESX = false,

    selfResTime = 240, -- How long in seconds until a user can self res (to disable set this to false)

    selfRevTime = 480, -- How long in seconds until a user can self rev (to disable set this to false)

    selfResWebhook = false,

    selfRevWebhook = false,

    spawnPoints = {


            x1 = -448, x2 = -448, y1 = -340, y2 = -329, z = 35.5, heading = 0 -- Mount Zonah



    adrev = {

        allowed = {"staff"}, -- Who is allowed to run the command (Accepts Ace Permissions, ESX.Jobs, SteamID, and DiscordID)

        webhook = false -- The discord webhook for logging, if you do not want logging change to false, otherwise put the webhook link here.


    adres = {

        allowed = {"staff"}, -- Who is allowed to run the command (Accepts Ace Permissions, ESX.Jobs, SteamID, and DiscordID)

        webhook = false -- The discord webhook for logging, if you do not want logging change to false, otherwise put the webhook link here.


    adrevall = {

        allowed = {"staff"}, -- Who is allowed to run the command (Accepts Ace Permissions, ESX.Jobs, SteamID, and DiscordID)

        webhook = false -- The discord webhook for logging, if you do not want logging change to false, otherwise put the webhook link here.


    adresall = {

        allowed = {"staff"}, -- Who is allowed to run the command (Accepts Ace Permissions, ESX.Jobs, SteamID, and DiscordID)

        webhook = false -- The discord webhook for logging, if you do not want logging change to false, otherwise put the webhook link here.



My Other Work: deerBlacklister | deerESXBlacklister | deerRPChat | deerSaltyMic | deerAntiNPC


Nice. :slight_smile:

Pretty useful good job!

can you give a example of discord ace perms with your script thanks and where to place the webhooks

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what is the ace perm to add to the cfg?

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