Hi, I already have a database that i use for website and game servers, which uses port 3307.
Rather than change my existing database port and all my other configs, can someone explain how I can manually set the Fivem server to use the same port (3307) in the login.lua settings (in essentialmode).
I’ve tried adding “port” and “3307”, as well as 3307 without quotes, and “ip:port” but nothing seems to work.
Could someone that HAS managed it help me out please, it would help me no end.
I’m beginning to think that for someone reason it’s hard coded in the files and can’t be changed perhaps, which would be a shame as I’d like to host a server for friends to play on.
Many thanks!
EDIT: please could a MOD delete this post - i’ll post in the correct section … thanks Thallium!