Custom siren

im in a community called NHD [dutchroleplay clan]
and we want to have a dutch siren in it, is there a way to stream it on the server or do we need to do it client side
i did try install it in my game but then when i launched five reborn it said that my game data was corrupt so i cant start it.
i hope that somebody knows a way to install it

NHD Clan
Lars W

This has been asked before, try using the search forums or try the Dutch forums since those questions have been asked.

I havent found a way to make it work. Not clientside, and definitely not serverside.

i looked on the forums but there is no clear answer so if the devs just make a post about it because there are alot that asking it

Maybe @kanersps knows a way.

It’s NOT possible.


But it is possible, I played on a server who had done it

Nice… reviving a 2 year old topic.