Custom Item For Bars By Joker

Custom items for bars.

  • 76 Bars Items
  • Items make in lua
  • Ready to paste into ox_inventory/data/items.lua
  • Ox_inventory compability
  • Images

More information on my discord (can find it on my tebex page)

Support: on my discord

Question: If you have any question open ticket at my discord server


SALE: The first ten people to buy a script get a discount. (3NEY-DZKT-WAFW)

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 985
Requirements ox_inventory
Support Yes (discord on tebex)

Requirements: Getting Started | Overextended


What a good idea you have come up with, you have taken advantage of copying code in the previous github that I sent and improved the script haha

Apparently the other topic that they closed was not enough for duplicating the topics?