Cruise Control script, few small things


So what i am trying to achieve is when you push a button, it either sets or remove a cruise speed of the vehicle, i got that part working. Only thing i am wondering is how i would call a event how to set the cruise speed, and how i would get the vehicle speed.

What i got right now is:

function MyPed()
   return GetPlayerPed(-1)

local enableCruise = false;
local vehicleSpeed = 30;

	while true do
		if IsControlJustPressed(1, 167) then --F6
			if IsPedInAnyVehicle(MyPed(), false) then
				if enableCruise then
					TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "", { 0, 0, 0 }, "Cruise is True");
					enableCruise = false;
					TriggerServerEvent('updateCruise', enableCruise, vehicleSpeed)
					TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "", { 0, 0, 0 }, "Cruise is False");
					enableCruise = true;

AddEventHandler('updateCruise', function(PID, Toggle, Speed)
    local Veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(GetPlayerFromServerId(PID)), false)


So basicly, the part where it switches the bool etc. stll works, but i am not sure how to call in the eventHandler, and also not sure if how i set the vehicle speed is correct. Thanks in advance!

(I am familiair with other languages, just not with LUA tough)

Edit: I should note, i am trying to make it all server sided.

Are you trying to change another player’s vehicle speed?

No, the vehicle you are currently in.

After searching around i now got this:

function MyPed()
   return GetPlayerPed(-1)

local enableCruise = false;
local vehicleSpeed = 30;

	while true do
		if IsControlJustPressed(1, 167) then --F6
			if IsPedInAnyVehicle(MyPed(), false) then
				local veh = PED.GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_IN(MyPed(),true); 

				if enableCruise then
					TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "", { 0, 0, 0 }, "Cruise is True");
					enableCruise = false;
					SET_VEHICLE_FORWARD_SPEED(veh, vehicleSpeed);
					TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "", { 0, 0, 0 }, "Cruise is False");
					enableCruise = true;

It gives the error: Cannot trace back global ped at line 13.Attempt to index a nill value, and i have no idea why it responds nill.

This isnt right, at least I’ve never used anythign like this.

I do

GetVehiclePedIsIn(MyPed(), false)

That fixed the error!

But the Set Vehicle speed doesn’t actually change the vehicle speed, also not for a second, not sure how i could do that?

I myself have been trying to use it for other stuff but i kinda gave up on it.

Yeah, exactly what Tyler said. Also the SET_VEHICLE_FORWARD_SPEED needs to be changed. Check the natives.lua file in your FiveM folder for all of the natives in the format FiveM uses with Lua. Usually the functions are the same name, just without the underscores, but this isn’t always the case. For example, it would be SetVehicleForwardSpeed (I believe). I am not at my home computer right now so I can’t check it for you.

If you are using , to the right of each function is green text (// 353FC880830B88FA 9C080899 for example). You can search that natives.lua file for the hash of the function (in that example, it would be 353FC880830B88FA) to get the function name.

Well i also got it from the side, but doing it the way you said indeed works, next time i will check in the if it works with this method then. Anyways, now it switches for 1 second, and then contuines.

I tried to search for a function to get the actual vehicle speed, but cant find one in the manuel.
Also how would you be able to make the SetVehicleForwardSpeed to contuine till enableCruise is false again, i tried it with while but that doesnt work considering it gets the veh when its pressed, and the while loop needs to be out of the IsControlPressed?

I think its like entity speed. Loop it every few milseconds client side and have them reset the speed back to the original speed.

To get the speed use GET_ENTITY_SPEED(Entity entity) // D5037BA82E12416F 9E1E4798. Not sure of the exact name for FiveM, check that file with the method I described above.

For the speed to actually be set and remain, it would need to be in a loop. What I would do (probably not the best way, I’m no expert) is have it call an event. Inside that event, have another while loop. while enableCruise do setspeed end
Then once you hit the key again to disable the cruise, that should stop setting the speed because enableCruise would be false.

You would want to set the speed in the “else” part of your “if enableCruise then”. The way you have it set now is that it would set the speed as you disable it.

Alright, Gotta go sleep right now i will try it tommorow!

Let me know how it goes. When I get home, I can provide some better examples.

	while true do
		local playerped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
			if IsControlJustPressed(1, 167) then --F6
			if IsPedInAnyVehicle(playerped , false) then
				local veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(playerped)

				if enableCruise then
					TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "", { 0, 0, 0 }, "Cruise is True");
					enableCruise = false;
					SetVehicleForwardSpeed(veh, vehicleSpeed);
					TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "", { 0, 0, 0 }, "Cruise is False");
					enableCruise = true;

AddEventHandler('updateCruise', function(sender , toggle)
	local peds = GetplayerfromserveriD(sender)
	local ped = GetPlayerPed(peds)
	if DoesEntityExist(ped) and not IsEntityDead(ped) then
		if ped ~= GetPlayerPed(-1) then
			if IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped, false) then
				local veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(ped)
				SetVehicleForwardSpeed(veh, Toggle)

This is what you’re looking for but it’s incomplete, you are missing a lot from it but this is how it should be . I just took your code and adjusted a little, added some vehicle / ped ID , identify and fixed all the small errors in the code.

Edit :
You are missing the function that is triggering the server part and the handler for the speed.

So trying this out, it doesnt get the speed but thats fixable, the main problem i have right now it goes through the loop once, but it doenst stay doing the EventHandler, so it also doesnt lock the speed.

as i said, trigerring on the server and handler. I am fighting with the /hu & /hd script, its not triggering and i don’t know why , if i will have some free time i will look on the natives and send you a PM with what you need to check.

Did you find a way? I am still strugling with it, tried to get something from other scripts but its still not triggering the function (Got the chat function in the eventhandler, but it doesnt trigger anything in it.

You shouldn’t have to use any events. Since you are doing this all to your own vehicle…
Make the keypress toggle enableCruise:

veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(GetPlayerPed(-1))
if IsControlJustPressed() then
  enableCruise = not enableCruise -- inverts bool
  cruiseSpeed = GetEntitySpeed(veh)

In a loop:

local veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(GetPlayerPed(-1))
  while (enableCruise) do
    SetVehicleForwardSpeed(veh, cruiseSpeed)

For my own cruise control I just used SetEntityMaxSpeed(). This does not need to be in a loop so I call it once to change the max speed to 60MPH and then again to restore the original max speed.

yeah but he wants something that can keep his actual speed running. if you have 45 , you lock it on 45

Thats the code I provided.

no you didn;t get it, to take the car speed and go with it, not press a key and go with 35 , press it again you stop going, to take your curent speed in game and freeze it there.