CRM10 Error


Everytime we join the server we get CRM10 Error. We have 4 servers they all work this is the only one that doesnt

Actually I was trying to find what causes this error. I’m helping a guy to make a server and he’s getting this error too. He can join mine, no problem, but not on his own. Some people mentioned about a known hack though. Search for a file named FiveM.exe.formaldev. If you find it, delete it. If not, I’m as lost as you are mate. Hope someone can help.

Same can’t find the file either

I got the same error

Maybe its a FiveM issue

same my server is like that do you know how to fix it??

Has A Solution Been Found Yet

im thinking that, cause I added nothing, server is starting, allowing us to attempt to load resources and then crashes with that code, I have a ticket to my hosting, I posted in the cfx discord, hopefully we can all get this fixed.

You’re trying to use a too recent FXServer version compared to your FiveM client version. Either downgrade your server artifact or use Canary.

EDIT: We pushed our latest changes to FiveM’s production client. This issue should be now resolved.

Quick question if you know. When I join some servers, version is like 20xx, when I join my own it’s 16xx (don’t remember exact numbers). What causes that? Do they use Canary?

Also thanks for your help!

These refer to GTA 5 builds (or DLC). Server owners can enforce a specific build/DLC for their server.
For a complete list of the available builds/DLC on FiveM, please consult sv_enforceGameBuild - FiveM docs :slight_smile:

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