I would like to set up a “life” system on my server.
At the connection, we receive a random between 5 and 10 lives.
Each time we fall unconscious, it takes away 1 life.
Here is how I proceeded to connect to the server:
local healthv = math.random(5,10)
MySQL.Async.execute("UPDATE users SET healthv = @healthv WHERE identifier = @user", {
["@healthv"] = healthv,
["@user"] = xPlayer.identifier,
Every time someone dies, here’s what I did
AddEventHandler('esx_ambulancejob:death', function(isDead)
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
MySQL.update('UPDATE users SET healthv = healthv - 1 WHERE identifier = ?', {xPlayer.identifier})
But I would like to block each revive and give a notification to the paramedics but also to the players if the life = 0
I have to do this in the server.lua of esx_ambulancejob, but I don’t know how to go about it