I know i am probably attempting something very ambitious for having very lil experience in scripting, however i am wonder how to create a menu attached to a prop. For example I’m looking to make a “for sale” sign and want to be able to purchase the house by opening a menu at the sign without the need of a relator. That part may sound easy to most expert scripters but the kicker is that, i would like to integrate the script into [PS-housing] (ps-housing/client/client.lua at main · Project-Sloth/ps-housing · GitHub) script. i like the script and its abilities to convert MLOs and Shells into sellable houses. i want to be able to use its functionality of purchasing furniture and placing a stash. If you are able to help it would be very much appreciated. like i said i am completely new to scripting and currently looking at documentation and youtube videos to try and learn this new skill. i will be posting my code on my menu creating progress. Thanks in advance
Just to update, I currently have the ability to purchase a deed from the for sale sign. I now need help with the logic of once the Deed is purchased. The customer is becomes the Owner of the house