šŸ’» Core MDW [ESX/QB] - Advaced CAD system (Incidents, Reports, Evidence, Staff, Dashboard)

Not an mdw issue

Good things take time i already pushed an BETA version of the performance fix

download the beta from d c :slight_smile:


  • Converted and adapted for QBCore enviroment


(It was updated a week ago but I havenā€™t announced it here)

  • Changed data acquiring method to dynamic one (fixes performance)
  • Added a preloader
  • Fixed birth date display error

I have the problem, when i try to add a Report and then try to save the report. It does nothing.
It isnt showing up in the Database and also not in the mdw_core.
Someone had the same Problem?

Are you using the latest version?

The 1.2 Beta Version.
Everthing else works fine. The Evidence etc.
Only the Reports arent saved in the database and also in the tablet.

Any errors ?

No Errors. My in Game Console (F8) is clear and also my Server console is clear.
Thats why its so weird.

You need to be on the Canary build to be able to see errors in the F8 console

I am on the Canary Build. I am able to see Errors in my Console (F8).
I click on the ā€œSave Reportā€ and it blinks like it tries to save the report but nothing happen.
And no errors no warnings or something like that.

Can somebody help, i use esx legacy, i set me as instaadmin but I donā€™t have permissions in mdw it seems that mdw dont see my licence from config

already fixed thanks for help @DeivisMac2

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Been trying to get help in regards to the ā€œUsers not fully loaded errorā€ for days now. Went on the discord to only find more people having the same issues and many are frustrated. I contacted TebEx and Paypal at this point. Waste of $60 for a script that has so many issues/bugs.

The same day you bought it you requested support and before even me replying you charged back the amount which results in derole

We Contacted TebEx which you should be contacted by them. There is dozens of people with the same issues with the MDT and no support was given to them. And from what I got and said to me by ppl no one had a fix. It seemed like another resource that is broken and needs tons of issues.

Well thats not true of you db is setup correctly it works without issues. Many people experiance issues related only to their server and i help to fix them. So for 100 people 3 experiance issues and if they are patient i help them get it working too. You on the other hand instantly chargebacked and i didnt see any tebex disputesā€¦

That is a lie. Tebex is waiting on your response. Itā€™s got less than a day left for the 3 day period.

You already chargedback and thats ahainst their policy ā€¦