Every issue is addressed in support
Can I transfer information from MDW to Discord webhooks ???
- Fixed scaling issue for high screen resolutions
- Added close buttons from adding menu’s
- Added GUI notifications * Fixed multijob sql table bug
- Added ability to remove badges
- Fixed profile date of birth format issue
- Added automatic sentence button in charges menu (Only appears when criminal is online)
- Added DC Webhook support
You can from 1.1 update
We currently have multiple CORE scripts that have massive issues from the start and support has been non-existent. Support tickets being completely ignored for over a week now. I really can not recommend.
Oh really, whats your ticket id ?
We currently have multiple CORE scripts that have massive issues from the start and support has been non-existent. Support tickets being completely ignored for over a week now. I really can not recommend this or any CORE scripts. Their car modifications script is absolute junk and hasn’t worked properly yet, their dispatch script needs to be restarted every 30 minutes, and this CAD system straight up doesn’t work from the start.
Well maybe for it to work buy it. Because there is 0 purschases under your name. And i asked for a ticket id. Who are you a spam bot?
@DeivisMac2 Thanks for the continued efforts put into the MDW and all the other scripts from Core Absolutely love them all and always looking forward to future releases! You keep doing you and keep up the great work
Would ems be able to use this to write reports like medical reports and records
No this is police based
Will their be a ems base one
No its only gonna be for police
Had a ticket open for over 2 weeks trying to get the MDW fixed (4k resolution is broken);
Seems all the mod maker wants to ensure is that you purchased the script; (Sent him our tebex id,) Download link that was supposed to have the fix is still the original version…
Nice script; way too expensive for no help or instructions tho
The latest update literally fixed that if u had bought it download the update
im not here to argue sir;
I just said that the original download link from the purchase email contains the same files; We have not recieved anything else
If you bought it you recieved a role. With that role you can download the update. First mdw version is very bad the second one fixes main issues.
Why do you keep insinuating I didnt buy It we literally sent you our tebex id; and have purchased quite a few other of your scripts. You told me a week ago the script would be looked into with no response after that, your announcement simply states the issue was fixed and not how to download… If you had answered the ticket thats been open for a couple weeks now this miscommunication could have been avoided; Live and learn
Or you could learn to link your dc to the purschase and have 0 issues. Your cfx forum name has 0 transactions on my store.
Since u shown tbx id to the whole forum it will be invalid from now on.