Core Dispatch, need support with setup, im new and I need help to setup it on some robbery scripts

I am trying to set core dispatch script on scripts, but I never had any knowledge with it.
if you can try help me, because I need just get the policejob have notifications about robberys

If you have gcphone u can use this for police notifications for robbery or anything, you shoud put this if to the rob script right place and the police job will get notifiycation from robbery with position coord.

if Config.notify == true then
					local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
					PedPos		= GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
					local PlayerCoords = { x = PedPos.x, y = PedPos.y, z = PedPos.z }
					TriggerServerEvent('esx_addons_gcphone:startCall', 'police', 'Robbery started here:', PlayerCoords, {
					PlayerCoords = { x = PedPos.x, y = PedPos.y, z = PedPos.z },

I am not using gcphone, I just want it show notification of atm robbery for example like when you shot it doing a notification