Converting cars to add ons

Would anyone be available to help me convert a few cars to add on cars, with their own spawn codes?

Shouldn’t be too difficult, be sure you have a vehicles.meta file ready.

[1] Make a resource for the vehicles like you typically would.
[2] Multiple .meta files Follow that tutorial
[3] Edit the vehicles.meta file with a text editor of your preferred choice (ie. NP++)
[4] Get rid of all items (excluding the vehicle you are trying to make an addon), starting and closing with <Item> </Item>
[5] Change the name of the <modelName>[CURRENT_MODEL_NAME]</modelName> <txdName>[CURRENT_MODEL_NAME]</txdName> to the preferred name of your choice, then save+close.
[6] Change the .ytd and .yft files (ie. buffalo2.ytd to charger.ytd) [if they have a +hi or _hi in them DO NOT
remove them from the name!
[7] Add start <resource_name_here> into your server.cfg file
[8] Start and join your server
[9] Spawn the vehicle into the game with a menu like Lambda using the “Spawn Vehicle By Model Name” then enter the name you put in your vehicles.meta and on the .ytd // .yft files.
[10] Enjoy!

Hope I managed to help you! :mascot:

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