After some time of being in the queue, the queue freezes (dots stop moving) and the client won’t connect.
Any fix?
I believe that this is a problem with deferrals and not this specific resource, other communities with their own queue system have came to be about this. I’ve told an element about it a while back and have tried reproducing the problem but it seems to happen at random.
This issue should’ve been fixed a while ago.
@JaroSound what server version are you running? You’ll need a version above 581 for deferrals to work properly.
Im using 597 version.
Do i need to disable Hardcap ?
Same problem on my server, Queue freezing after ~50 sec on Version 597 when the server have more than 25 players, same problem on 631 too and older, that a very old problem
if it’s related to a player count it’s probably actually a problem with this resource, since deferrals shouldn’t stop updating when update calls get called anymore.
Do i need to disable Hardcap ?
i make my own resource based on the deferals system show here in sulfur post, i make my own test and see when it’s updated too fast, can crash the server (on the <450 server version (when i make my resource)), and i put this in my own hardcap, i update the defer every 500 ms when in queue, maybe the delay can timeout the client
If it truly is a problem with the resource, I have refactored a lot of bits over the past few weeks but haven’t been able to test it live yet. I’ll update the GitHub repo soon and see if it fixes any of these problems.
When do you think you can release this “update”?
im stuck in the queue even though my server is empty
Hi @Nick78111
Cool resource the initial queue is working, but when a player leaves in the console it triggers the next player in the queue to join but their dots freeze and don’t actually join, they have to cancel joining and hit join again and it works.
I may be running some slightly outdated server files, I am updating now and seeing if it fixes my fault.
I experienced the same issues and im also current with the code.
@SLuG Yeah I just updated and made sure eveything is current and issue persists.
its like when the trigger to join kicks in something breaks.
It doesn’t happen only when it’s the next players turn to join. It has happened to players in the middle of the queue at times too. I do know the bug you are talking about though and I have refactored quite a bit of code, it’s just not on github yet.
I hope you release the update cause ive been using the connectqueue system for a solid year and its been great! Would only love to see it improve more!
I fill two servers regularly if you need a tested bed let me know
Is this plugin current?