The new FiveM server browser occasionally makes you connect to a random server when using Direct Connect. (Which means, this has been an issue for a few weeks.)
Everybody I know that uses Direct Connect to connect to servers have this issue.
The server ip in the server ip box remains what you entered, but the title of the server, the icon of the server, the player count of the server and the connect button all have to do with the wrong server.
Have you tried deleting the last number of the IP and re-entering it? I get this sometimes and re-entering the last number in the IP shows me the correct server.
I know it’s not a fix but, it’s an easy work-around
The more popular servers have issues with this, though, as you need to reconnect quickly if the server crashes, and it’s super-duper annoying to lose your slot just because of this bug (connecting to the wrong server.) You have to be really quick.